Friday, February 02, 2007

So here's something I've been thinking about lately. I've been kicking around some ideas about fear and how it keeps us (general) passive, unhappy and paralyzed. Was it Marx that said "Religion is the opiate of the masses"? I think these days "Fear is the opiate of the masses." is closer to the truth.

The whole concept of fear has come up way too much lately to just be coincidence...I think it's life lesson time. I'm just not sure yet what that means. That's a pain, huh, not knowing quite what it is that you're supposed to be learning?

I keep thinking that 2007 could be a great year for me:
I could finally get around to writing my book.
I could go back to school.
I could learn to cook.
I could fall in love again.
I could buy a house.
I could choose to stop doing unhealthy things – financially, emotionally, physically – and really make some progress in growing.
I could change my life in a million ways big and small.

So here's the question I've been pondering, and I'd be interested to know if any of you have answers of your own: If there was no such thing as fear, how would you be living your life differently right now?

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