Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

So if you're a regular reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I have slacked off a bit in the posting department, both in quantity (and maybe quality) and length of posts. Things have gotten really busy lately with school coming to a close for the semester (4 tests in 2 weeks, how much fun is that?) but that's not the only reason.

I was talking to a friend the other night about blogging and why I do it and this popped out: "I find it easier to blog when I'm sad or upset. It's my outlet when I need to let stuff out." I think everyone could agree with me on that. But are we getting the "meta-message" here? I hope so.

The realization made me, well, happy.

1 comment:

fabricsnob said...

happy Allison! yea for you. Missed you at Mercy Lounge last night.