Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Homework for me

This may be the stupidest post ever, but here goes.  Why do we hate Cuba so much?  I mean, it can't just be that it's a communist country, right?  Is it the whole Bay of Pigs thing?  Because even when we were in the Cold War, didn't we still have a diplomatic (per se) relationship with the USSR?  And as far as communist countries go, we've sold our soul to China.  I need to go find an American history book.  I wonder if my book, "Lies My Teacher Told Me," addresses this? 

1 comment:

amanda said...

i dunno, but i would love to visit there! there's a video from mom's library that i remember watching about a guy doing a research paper on the cuban missile crisis and it explained the bay of pigs thing. and i remember it was very confusing.

when's our next trip to the cuban cafe?!