Wednesday, October 01, 2008


So, Sunday something (a bug, bee, ant, sharp stick) got Elsa. I was worried she was hurt, but I have to admit that it was funny watching her spin around trying to figure out what happened. Elsa, who was fine by the way, got her revenge on Monday morning when we were walking right before I went to work. I was mostly dressed - make-up and hair done, top on - but just threw on a pair of stretchy pants and flip flops. She walked down this little rise so I followed her to the edge. I should have been more aware of the slippery, freshly mown grass. My feet went out from under me, and I landed my right on my butt. The scene was similar to the vacuum commercial where a big fluffy cat was sitting on the stairs and suddenly there was a huge POOF and a scrawny cat sat there with hair floating everywhere. It was that, except with confetti-size pieces of grass. Everywhere. 

You might think there was enough padding there to keep me safe, but not so much. My neck and shoulders have been killing me since then, and it hurts to sit on the floor (just one reason I'm glad for furniture). I want to hang upside down. I always hypothesize that hanging upside down will help when I have back and neck problems. Anyone I know have one of those upside down tables?

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