Friday, June 03, 2005

These Are a Few (okay just one) of My Favorite Things

In an effort to be more optimistic and glass half full-ish, here's my favorite thing about my job. Unfortunately, it's not really about my job. It's about what I experience when I leave my job.

Now no one would call the area of town I work in nice. Even city planners hated it, apparently, and decided to discourage people being outside by leaving out the sidewalks. But that's a rant for another day. Today is all about warm and fuzzy ducks.

The office park area where I spend a good part of my life is crisscrossed with little waterways, aka ditches, home to little duckies. I don't know if it's from their nests, or if they are molting, but for the last few days the air has had little duckie down floating all through it as if it were snow. Being that I love snow, but hate the cold, I feel this is the perfect mix of fluffy white stuff and non-freezing conditions.

It's a simple pleasure, but it makes me insanely happy to drive through the snowstorm of tiny feathers.


1 comment:

amanda said...

i noticed the molting, too! are there really that many ducks in metro center? don't ever get stuck behind a line of them crossing the road. they take foorrrrrevvvverrrr!