Monday, July 23, 2007

Found Wisdom

I am willing to consider that there is another way to adjust.

I don't know where I found this, but it's been oddly reassuring the last week to look up and see it stuck to my computer screen.

Willing to doesn't mean that there is necessarily another answer or that if there is, that it's the right one. All you have to do is take it into consideration. Look at it from another side. Give it a chance. Suspend your preconceived notions. Open your mind a bit.

I would assume that most problems have many possible solutions - several of which that could be considered a "good solution," so why not give some extra consideration to all the other ways you could react to a situation? As a hard-headed only child, it's sometimes hard to remember that. Especially when a certain situation could have lots of possible resolutions to it (and you're really only willing to consider one). Not sure what you do then. Force it until it breaks, I guess. I've always had great sucess with that. Stubborness may be my greatest flaw and greatest attribute. Funny how that works, huh?

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