Friday, November 17, 2006

Boy do I have a lot to say...

But I don't have time to say it. Grrr. I want my computer back! Hopefully next week...

So here's my initial thought (I'll try to come back to this later). I thought Grey's Anatomy last night was great. I was, stupidly enough, in tears for most of it. Sniff. At one point Addison looks down at her ex-husband and then at her hand, where she's still wearing her wedding ring, and says something to the effect of "everyone is moving on." I was thinking about that and how the corollary to that is - to move on you have to let go.

And I think that's the rub. Moving on isn't the hard part, I think it just happens; it's the letting go you have to work on. I've been talking with a friend who's thinking of ending a 10+ year relationship and every time we talk, I'm struck by how much this break up sounds like mine. I think it's actually been good for me to see inside that relationship. It's given me a lot more insight to (and empathy for) me AND my ex partner. But it's so hard to do, and I see my friend struggling with the letting go, even though he knows he's ready to move on. It makes me sad for them and us (me & my ex) and everyone else who's had to make a decision like this.

And it's not just relationships, not by a long shot. I'm back to square one with a decision I made months ago, and I feel lost all over again. I wonder if all the roadblocks I keep running into are a sign that I need to move on to something else. I guess my problem is that I have a hard time knowing when you DO need to let go. I can be a bit stubborn, so once I've gotten something in my head, I seem to lose the ability to recognize the times when giving up, moving on and letting go are the best options.


1 comment:

amanda said...

now i have that ridiculously sappy "letting go" song in my head!
btw, loved the soundtrack to grey's last night...i want to go see mat kearney.

saying a prayer for you....

and i hope you get your fun card today!