Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm watching Monday Night Raw. I just witnessed a Double Diva Drop Kick. Awesome. Ooh, there's a guy on Raw that has the same initials as my mom. Random, but kind of amusing. Come on...this is so fake. No one really thinks this real, right?    

Speaking of things that are fake, yet awesome, I got my costume today for the 80s party this weekend. The scariest thing is that I bought the entire thing from WalMart for about $20, and I guarantee that if you put it next to something that was actually sold in the 80s, you would NOT be able to tell the difference. 

Think leggings, neon and turquoise eyeliner. I can't wait!   

1 comment:

amanda said...

i'm considering whipping out my gym suit from 1988