Saturday, July 29, 2006


I had a dream last night that I think is the result of the life changing events of yesterday. It's pretty interesting, and I'm trying to let it comfort me some.

I was back in the home I grew up in (who knows why), and I was moving some of these little stone critter things that I collected from the top of a shelf to, well, I don't know where. The important part was I was moving them. That and I kept dropping and breaking them.

They didn't shatter into a million pieces, they just cracked and if you pulled a little, parts of the stone would pull off and you could see a whole other layer of the animal - like their underpants and stuff. Don't ask me why they were wearing underpants, but they were. The only meaning I can come up with for this bizarre dream and the fact that I dropped like 5 of these animals and went through the same realization - that there was something there underneath the broken parts - is that the universe is trying to tell me something.

I haven't worked it all out yet - I think that's going to take a long time - but I think I was supposed to see that even the broken parts are there for a reason. They show you something new. They show you that it's not all gone, that there's something there under the surface. It's not the same as it was, and it's not as pretty but it's not ruined, broken or gone either.

I guess after you realize that, then you have to decide if you can handle that or not. Can you let go of what was to appreciate and love what is now - flaws, disappointments, hurt and all?

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