Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I've been feeling lonely the last few days. I don't like it; I haven't felt lonely in a long time. I guess, for some reason, all of a sudden, I'm just missing having someone to go home to. I hope it's just hormonal because it's an awful feeling. Sigh...

Right now I'm listening to:
Turn Out the Lights - The New Amsterdams (thanks Chadd)
Love From a Scar - Will Hoge (thanks Melody)
Love Love Love - Tristan Prettyman (thanks me; I found this one on my own)

Anyway, here's a picture I found that makes me feel a little better. It's a chicken wearing a scarf. I don't know why - that's why it's funny.

1 comment:

amanda said...

that's so random! i like! i wrapped a scarf, i.e. red ribbon hangy-loopy thing i cut out from the inside of my sweater, on a plastic wind-up penguin i have on my desk. it looks like Snowbird now.