Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's A Miracle (kind of)

So, the driver side water squirty nozzle thing on the hood of my car has not worked in - oh I don't know - years. I've stuck pins, earrings, whatever sharp thing I had available, into the nozzle trying to make it work and always...nothing. And it was a big irritation because, of course, it had to be the one on the driver's side that was messed up. I don't need a clean passenger windshield; I need a clean driver one.

I don't even remember the last time I tried to make it work because honestly I had given up on it ever working again. Then, lo and behold, the other day I was trying to wash some bird ick off the passenger side windshield, and water streamed miraculously from BOTH nozzles!! My car spontaneously healed itself. I am very excited by this miraculous turn of events.

I wish all problems would spontaneously fix themselves if you just gave them a little time. Then again, maybe most problems do...Zen and the art of water squirty nozzle things.

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