Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Heebie Jeebies

Pan's Labyrinth got in bed with me last night. I'm glad I didn't watch it alone; I don't know what I would have done then! Someone would have been getting a late night phone call. Someone almost did anyway (although I don't know who I would call. At 2 a.m. my friends might be more dangerous than an intruder). It was a beautiful movie, and I was really entranced by it. In fact, I'd even say I loved it, but I guess the violence and creepy imagery got to me.

Side note - I AM the person that still makes sure the closet door is closed when I go to bed and who makes sure to take a big step away from the bed when getting up in the middle of the night. I sometimes run back from the bathroom convinced there is something on my heels. Only one night in recent memory have I slept with my closet door open, and I really did think the next morning, "Wow. That was a close call; I'm glad nothing got me." We all have our things. And I just think why tempt fate, you know? Anyway...

I woke up at 1:45 hearing noises and ended up sleeping (read: laying in my bed with my eyes wide open trying not to breathe so I could hear the person I knew was creeping down my hallway) with my cell phone and glasses next to me in bed. This was not a "I am woman, hear me roar." kind of moment. It was a "shrink under the covers and pray for morning" kind of moment.


Katie said...

I've had those. Every now and then I'll hear noises in my basement. I'll lay in bed with the covers pulled up to my neck...trying to breathe quietly so that "they" don't hear me. I'll eventually fall asleep, but there's usually a good 30 mins of insanity and paranoia before that happens. (i still look behind the shower curtain quite often)

amanda said...

ooo..i sometimes strategize how long it would take me to grab my cell phone and cram myself under my bed.

Unknown said...

I finally own a bed that doesn't scare the crap out of me. The next time I buy a bed, I'm getting one that has solid sides so that nothing (and no one) can fit under it without lifting the entire bed.

This is the reason why I don't watch horror/spooky movies anymore. It's nice to know that there are others out there that get just as freaked out.