Sunday, September 10, 2006


Here's a funny story. A friend asked me the other day how I was managing to do all the things I was doing - work, school, social life, working out, and volunteering. Until she said that, I hadn't really realized exactly how busy I had become. I sound like Superwoman, right? Not so fast. As I told her, I'm 2 chapters behind in my reading, I haven't worked out since school started 2 weeks ago (unless you count trekking all over downtown Indianapolis last weekend), and I bailed on volunteering this week just to get a little down time.

This weekend has really been about me re-charging my batteries. I've gotten some good exercise, some good rest, some good low key socializing and now I'm studying. Um, well, right now I'm blogging to avoid studying, but I have been studying. Kind of. Mostly. I'd forgotten how much I really dislike studying. However, BIG upside to studying is that I get to leave my house and go to my favorite little spot in Nashville. Any place you can study, get wireless, eat some yummy hummus, and drink a beer all at the same time is my kind of place. Life is good.

Ok, back to studying. 2 more chapters, and I'll be caught up.


amanda said...

where'd you end up studying?!
and when are we hitting yazoo after work??

Al said...

Cafe Coco. I just love that place. I'm up for Yazoo's whenever if we can make it in time.