Monday, September 25, 2006

Speaking of Change...

I was working on a manifesto, opus kind of post on change. It was, in fact, going to be life-changing (supposedly, hopefully). But...I've forgotten what I was going to say. I feel like that saying "I figured out the meaning of life, but forgot to write it down." That's what happens if I don't take notes. It all dribbles out my ears. In fact, I've been looking for months for notes on a book I'm writing, and I can't find them. Very annoying because it was the perfect beginning. And while I can remember the gist, I can't get it *just* right.

So what was my great manifesto on change is now these few sentences and the lyrics from a song I like. By the way, the lyrics are out of context because I split up the verses and deleted some lines. But put together this way (my unauthorized way), I like what it has to say: change is hard, but you do it and move on. I've been sinking ships lately - letting things and several people fall away - and it hurts like hell, but there's a peace in it too. Finally. It's making room for new people and experiences. Nice.

I'm falling away
I know that I could
I could change if I have to
But I've been here so long I think that I've learned to like it this way
Into the ocean and with no light
I'm sinking this ship tonight

"Hey Tonight" Will Hoge

1 comment:

fabricsnob said...

yea. I love your Will quotes. So glad you came with tonight. Look forward to hearing the story.