Friday, January 02, 2009

It's a sickness.

I just got back from the doctor's office where I was given super-strong antibiotics to get rid of the sinus infection that the first round of not super-strong antibiotics did not. I'm going on about 6-7 weeks of being sick now. It's awful and makes me really thankful that I don't have any kind of chronic illness.

I've tried not to whine about it too much, especially at work, although I'm sure I've whined about it plenty, but by the time I get home from work there is NOTHING left over for anything. The weekends? Same thing; I lay on the couch and sleep on and off for most of the day. I guess it's what my body has needed to keep functioning, but I'm tired of feeling so bad and having barely enough energy to make it through the day.

So I just took my first super-strong antibiotic and, unfortunately, I didn't take a big enough swallow of water to wash it down right away and it dissolved a little in my mouth. It may be the worst thing I've ever tasted - like I'm scared to take it again because it tasted so bad. It tasted like my dog smells, but a thousand times worse.

Now I get to go to work because "taking a sick day" apparently doesn't mean what I thought it did. Which I understand because we are insanely busy, and I said I would come in if they really needed me, but still, I wish I was contagious (for a select few at least).

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