Friday, May 06, 2005

Believe It or Not!

For you fellow NPR addicts out there, I thought I would provide you with my own list of "This I Believe." For those of you who don't know, NPR is sponsoring a new series, based on an old series, where people take 3 minutes (!) to explain their core belief system. I thought about submitting something, but since my core belief deals with public bathrooms, I didn't think it would be quite what they were looking for.

I believe...

I believe...that you should never take the stall right next to someone else in an otherwise empty public bathroom.

I believe...that there is a conspiracy by the state of Tennessee to keep outsiders from knowing that it rains here more than it does in Seattle.

I believe...that I should win the lottery.

I believe...that work weeks should be 4 days and weekends 3.

I believe...that I am Queen of my own little land.

I believe...that love is almost impossibly hard even when it's good.

I believe...that forces are working against me.

I believe...that things don't always work out, and that might be an ok thing.

I believe...that everyone should be a little nicer. We all have to fight battles.

I believe...that I am Allison in Wonderland, especially when I take the time to see how wonderful this world is.

I believe...that every home needs something living in it - mold in the refrigerator or shower doesn't count.

I believe...that a bubble bath with a book and a glass of wine or cup of tea can cure most bad days.

I should listen to what I say.
(I am the Great and Powerful Oz)
Especially about the bathroom thing.
Trust me.

1 comment:

DivaMommy said...

Love it, Al! I may have to create my own list of I Believe's and post it in my own little corner of BlogWorld...stay tuned!