Monday, May 09, 2005

Sunday Drive

Important Note: This post is not roadkill free. You've been warned.

I decided to go for a nice Sunday drive yesterday. In order of encounter, I had to swerve to avoid:

Dead deer - one
Roadkill - unidentified, but likely just one
Vultures - several
Smashed wooden pallet - two
Big blue trash can on wheels - one
Styrofoam peanuts - millions
Ugly plastic lawn chairs - two

Not every strange thing I saw was actually on the road. There were some bizarre things on the side of the road too. Like a bicycle helmet in good condition (no head attached to it). A few feet down the road was a pair of jeans. I think I saw a sock too. This leads me to the disturbing conclusion that someone's riding down the interstate stripping as they go. If you're in Nashville, be on the lookout for an irresponsible half naked cyclist.


LB said...

My question is: Where the heck did you go driving? Trafford, AL??

amanda said...

yikes! did you stop and try on the jeans?!?!

LB said...

OMG!! When are you posting again?? You're really letting your addiction slide, slacker! (by the way, I'm the official blogging police, according to watch out!)

amanda said...

i'm the blogging deputy then b/c i'm beginning to wonder when the next overwhelming desire to post is going to be?!? tell your superiors to give you a break and let you blog!