Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New Toy

This blog is like a new favorite toy, and I just want to play with it all the time. Have forgotten previous favorite toys like the crosswords or the Oddly Enough news section on Yahoo. Instead go to site hourly to check on it and make sure it's still there. Believe me, it's not for any obnoxious, self-absorbed reason like rereading what I've written over and over and over again. What kind of person does that?

uncomfortable pause...and change of subject

I feel like the dog (or was it the abominable snowman?) from the Loony Toons cartoons: "And I will love him and squeeze him and call him George." Maybe that's what I should have called this blog. George. Instead it became the "Clutz Chronicles." I'm sure one day an entry will reflect the column's name, but for now I prefer to keep my dignity a little while longer. There's plenty of time for everyone to learn that I can't chew gum and walk at the same time.

Well, my lunch time is up. Time to put away my new toy for a little while.

Goodbye George. See you soon.

1 comment:

DivaMommy said...

Al: You are too cute! Welcome to the Blogosphere!

--Andrea (or "An")