Thursday, May 05, 2005

Red Light: A Romance in 3 Seconds

I'm having total blog withdrawal. I had to get my fix! Did you miss me as much as I missed you (said as though there are people hanging on my every post)? Thought I'd tell you, the nameless internet masses, about my totally fantastic morning.

I got checked out this morning. Total head turning, eyes staring, almost running into the car in front of him checked out! Ours was a fleeting love. He tore his eyes away from me, finished his left turn and was gone from my life forever. But don't cry for me Argentina, the truth is I didn't even know him. But he sure made my day! Ahh, the kindness of strangers...don't say it doesn't exist, even if it comes in the form of an ogle from the other side of a truck window.


LB said...

Sounds pretty hot.

LB said...

Angelica, this isn't Al that's a pilot...It's Allison.

LB said...

And why would Al Roeder be commenting on getting checked out by a guy?