Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Row Row Row Your Boat, Right Into the Rocks

Here are some canoeing tips you might want to keep in mind:

1. Canoeing is best done in the early morning or late afternoon, as opposed to the middle of the day in August.

2. Canoeing is best done in rivers having more than 2 inches of water.

3. Vigorous shaking of canoe (known as "humping") is effective in removing canoe from all the rocks you will run up on. It will also provide endless amusement to the friends who were able to navigate around the rocks.

4. This is the most important one: never congratulate yourself for staying clean and mostly dry until you are BACK ON DRY LAND. Pride goeth before the fall, and pride will goeth in front of about 20 strangers as you - looking somewhat dapper and fresh faced - slip and fall not once, but twice while your friends look on and laugh hysterically at you resurfacing looking like a drowned rat covered in mud.

Even with the excess of heat and the absence of water, canoeing was lots o' fun. LB and I got stuck on every rock there was, which provided much amusement for everyone else (see rule #3 about humping). We managed to paddle down the river backwards on accident at least once and on purpose a couple more times. We also ran into a beaver dam and a large tree hanging down over the water; I'm sure the ticks enjoyed the ride down the river too. I learned that I, personally, do not have the perfunctory knowledge of physics that help you steer a boat. It was a full day.

On the nature track, I took a long drive last night down some of the lesser used, more scenic roads of Nashville/Franklin, and it was beautiful night for it. Long country drives are one of my favorite things. I find I can get a lot of thinking done out there when it's just me and the kind of coma that comes over you when you're driving with the windows and sunroof open. I remember some really happy times on those back roads when I first started visiting Nashville. As it gets cooler, I will be taking lots more of those drives. Fall evenings are made for them, and I'm all about trying to make sense of things right now.

Lastly, apropos of absolutely nothing, my hair looks quite pretty today. Yay good hair days!


fabricsnob said...

hey chica- glad you had fun canoeing! Just saying hello.

Stephanie Willis, LCPC, CADC said...

i love canoeing! last night i went kayaking for the first time at night on the chicago river. it was fabulous. but once i got out of the kayak i realized my entire left side of my body was super wet. but my right leg-dry as the desert. what a weirdo, i must paddle like super strangely! ha!